by the Diabetes Team

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common problem for people living with diabetes, in fact 62.8% of adults with diabetes also have hypertension and adults with diabetes were diagnosed with hypertension three times more often than those without diabetes.

Blood pressure is the force that pushes blood through your blood vessels, this needs to occur to so oxygen and nutrients are carried to all parts of your body, from the top your head to the tips of your toes! Having high blood pressure means that there is too much pressure or force on the artery (the tube that carries the blood) which causes damage to your arteries, kidneys, and causes many other health problems.

The target blood pressure for people living with Diabetes is 130/80mm/Hg. The first number is called the systolic pressure (when the heart contracts) and the second is called the diastolic pressure (when the heart relaxes and fills). It is important for you to know your numbers and have your blood pressure checked regularly. Keep a log of your blood pressure and discuss with your health care provider.

To prevent high blood pressure or if you do have high blood pressure, there are steps you can take to prevent it and lower it!