by the Diabetes Team, MMNN Contributor

It is no secret that physical activity is important in both preventing and managing diabetes, but why and how are the questions that are often left unanswered. Well, some of the benefits of physical activity that would directly contribute to helping to both prevent and manage diabetes are weight loss, improved insulin usage in your body and helping to manage your blood glucose levels. Other benefits include stronger bones, improved moods, more energy, sleeping better at night, less sick time at work or school, and the list goes on.

In short, whether you have diabetes or not, your body, mind and spirit cannot afford to avoid physical activity.

As an adult, aim for 150 minutes of aerobic physical activity per week. That’s about 30 minute a day, 5 days a week. Whatever you decide to do, try and bring up your heart rate enough to breath a bit heavier, but not so much that you cannot talk. You should be able to carry on a conversation with the person next to you. If you incorporate a daily walk into your day and add 2 or 3 thirty minute sessions of strength exercises (weights or resistance bands) you’ll notice a huge difference in your sugar levels and the way you feel. To notice an even larger difference, combine with a healthy diet.

So how does physical activity help you with your diabetes? There’s a few ways, but the easiest way to think about it is that your muscles absorb the sugars from your blood. When you are not active, your muscles close up, ...

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