by Crystal Dorey & Yves Bosse, KMKNO & Parks Canada

Mi’kmaw community representatives, KMKNO and Parks Canada gather for a group photo at the first meeting of the Mi’kmaw Advisory Committee for Parks in Nova Scotia, held December 9th in Millbrook.  Photo by Crystal Dorey, KMKNO

Mi’kmaw community representatives, KMKNO and Parks Canada gather for a group photo at the first meeting of the Mi’kmaw Advisory Committee for Parks in Nova Scotia, held December 9th in Millbrook. Photo by Crystal Dorey, KMKNO

In May of 2012, Kwilmu’kw Maw-klusuaqn Negotiation Office (KMKNO) negotiated an Interim Arrangement through the Made-in-Nova Scotia Process with Parks Canada. This Interim arrangement was seen to be a positive step forward in the relationship between two close ne ...

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