Wabanakwut Kinew, better known as “Wab Kinew”, is a Canadian politician, musician, broadcaster and university administrator, best known as a host of programming on CBC Radio and CBC Television.

Wabanakwut Kinew, better known as “Wab Kinew”, is a Canadian politician, musician, broadcaster and university administrator, best known as a host of programming on CBC Radio and CBC Television.

For the first time in Mi’kmaki, descendants of survivors of the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School will be gathering together to talk about how their lives have been affected by the intergenerational impact of the residential school system. While the former students of the residential schools continue in their healing process, the next phase of healing – focusing on the adult children of survivors – is beginning.To view the full story, you must be a subscriber. Click here for information on how to subscribe.