by shalan joudry, MMNN Contributor

IMG_20140611_151400With their language and strong grasp of livelihood on the land, the communities of Sheshatshiu and Natuashish are forging new ground in their office work life through an innovative leadership program. During a winter trip northbound to Goose Bay, Labrador I was happy to meet up with some of these inspiring folks to hear more about what’s new in Innu territory.

I sat and spoke with participants Mary Pia Benuen, Mary Janet Hill, and Kathleen Benuen as well as the four facilitators: Jeff Brant, Paula Gallant, Gilbert Laderoute, and Laura Montigny. Here’s just a little of what I learned.

After reflection of the 2011 Health Needs and Capacity Assessment, the Innu leadership (through the Innu Round Table) in early 2013 commissioned the creation of a Leadership Certificate in Community Management (LCCM) program for their community d ...

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