John Nick Jeddore.

Dear Editor;
Last year my son, John Nick Jeddore (21 yrs) was elected Memorial University of Newfoundland’s Students’ Union (MUNSU) Aboriginal representative for Newfoundland and Labrador. Earlier this year he was elected as the provincial representative with the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) a position he will start in May of this year. He is also the guy responsible for Mi’kmaq Word of the Day on youtube and because of this he has recently been interviewed on two occasion by CBC radio. My son is currently finishing a science degree at MUN with a major in biochemistry and a minor in biloogy. He is hoping to enter MUN’s School of Medicine in September.
John Nick is an outspoken young man on all issues of indiginous concern but in particular the post-secondary funding and more recently he is hoping to bring an hightened awareness to the Stolen Sisters Campaign. He is a volunteer with the Newfoundland Native Friendship center where he teaches drumming among other things. He gain this knowledge of drumming and chanting as a member of our schools choir and drummers. A group that has traveled around the world and is directed by his mother Brenda Jeddore.
His story is a positive story for all indiginous people and a future role model for our children. In the past years he has been interviewed by three different news media and more recently by The Telegram, a provincial wide news paper.
I hope that our paper, the Mi’kmaq Maliseet news paper, gets an opportunity to interview this young man with the intent of making his story, our story.
Nick can be contacted by emailing or by calling 1-709-764-3120. He is also on facebook!/jeddore where his “Mi’kmaq word of the day” can be viewed and heard.
Wela’lin. Dan Jeddore, Conne River
