
The Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre has launched a new website to share stories from Mi’kma’ki as well as the plans for the future Centre. The site contains more than 50 pages of multimedia content including videos, slideshows, discussion pages, teaching resources, and even an online quiz to test your knowledge of Mi’kmaw history and culture. “From the natural sounds of Mi’kma’ki and the spoken Mi’kmaw on the very first page, we want you to feel like you have stepped into our culture,” says Tim Bernard, Director of History and Culture at the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq.

Across the site, the Elders from the Mi’kmawey Debert Elders’ Advisory Council share the stories of their lives and their perspectives of the project. The Ancestors Live Here Sa’qewe’ki’k Kikmanaqi’k Wikultisni’k Tett pages, which include a series of videos from across Mi’kma’ki by cultural educator Gerald Gloade, is among the most sought after content on the site. The site also serves Shubenacadie Indian Residential School survivors and descendants through dedicated content and discussion pages.

“There has been so much uncovered as part of the planning for the future Centre, we wanted to share that information with communities now,” says Bernard. “Access to Mi’kmaw ar ...

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