Dear Editor:

I George Paul, brother of the late Victoria Rose Paul have been given full authorization to take any and all civil action to justify the injustice my baby sister was exposed too. I believe that it’s very essential that we as First Nation people throughout all nations within Canada realize the probability of becoming victims once again. I believe that we as First Nation people still face dominion not through the residential school, but by the injustice of the authority and their social justice without judgment of judicial review, the discrimination of First Nations faced during the early 1900’s, is no different from today, after 500 years, the discrimination we as a First Nation face everyday within the shadow of authority, it’s unreal that my little sister faced her passing through the hands of the authority, A shadow in the mist, the same authority that protects society today.

The degradation and humiliation my sister faced during her passing was more than any person should ever face, we as a people adapting to society is faced with harassment of racial stigma each day. Procedures of racial compromising in every day life when First Nation people are exposing their rights, my sister faced this along with all the violation she has endured, such as medical treatment being refused also physical and mental humiliation. The only recognizance the authority has was the fact that she was Native, and in the eyes of the system First ...

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