by Sharon Culbertson, Librarian/ISS Supervisor

I can’t believe that we are already into the month of February. Where did January go?? Time sure flies by when you are super busy and here at LSK we have been really busy… what with high school exams, testing, field trips, storm days, the start of the new semester, and now we are preparing for the Scholastic Book Fair. But before I forget, welcome back to the high school students who spend their first semester away. We wish you all the best for your second semester.

Now onto to more important news, our SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR is here!!! I am so excited, and judging from some of the expressions on their faces, our elementary students are just as excited. Autumn and I can’t wait to start organizing everything. To us, it is like Christmas all over again. We can’t wait to see what new items are in each box. This month our book fair will run from February 8th to 12th. Everyone is welcome to shop. We will be open until 4pm every day, with the exception of Thursday. That day we will be open to 5pm. Mind you, we can stay open longer if it gets busy.

Unfortunately, my article this time around is going to be very short, but before I go, I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine’s Day!!! I already started receiving my Valentine cards from some students and they are beautiful. I feel so special.

On behalf of our students and staff here at L’nu Sipuk Kina’muokuom… HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!!