Nigel Gloade, Communications Officer, Millbrook First Nation

Millbrook First Nation is introducing a new style to its Annual Powwow. Although this will be Millbrook’s 20th Annual Powwow, this will be the first year for a competition powwow. The event will be held over three days, August 10 to 12, 2018 at the Millbrook First Nation Powwow Grounds which is located behind Keith’s Gas Bar.

Powwow Committee Chair, Mike Stephens says that a “competition powwow differs from a Traditional Powwow in various ways, but most notably is its contemporary style”.

Powwow activities will start on Friday with a Hand Drum Competition starting at 7pm. Saturday’s schedule will be intensive and include many bouts of extreme dancing and drumming/singing, competitors will participate in Grand Entry at 1pm, after this they will complete a few rounds of Intertribal to get everyone warmed up and ready to compete.

Saturday evening there will be entertainment for all ages, Acosia Red Elk will host a Jingle Special to highlight the style of dance, which will lead into the evening entertainment, a Spotlight Special. After dark the dancers will go one by one under a spotlight that will follow them for one song, the dancers will give it their all and the crowd will help the judges decide by cheering loudly! Sunday, the powwows final day, will start at 1 pm with Grand Entry and continue throughout the day much like Saturday with Intertribal singing and dancing and more competition. The powwow will come to a close Sunday evening, at thi ...

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