by Peter Steiner, Climate Action: Pollinator Action Project Coordinator, CMM

Glooscap Nature Rangers make “seed bombs” from wildflower seeds and local clay, to spread around the community to support pollinators plant friends.

The Pollinator Action Project, “Protect the Bees in Mi’kma’ki,” launched in April 2019 as part of The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq’s (CMM) Climate Action Program. Our project will focus on the decline of pollinator populations as a result of climate change. Pollinators like bees, birds, and beetles are the plant’s best friends. They do the “transporting” of pollen for plants in our gardens. This exchange of pollen is necessary to make fruit or seed.

When pollinators start to disappear, the plants which support our communities will also decline. We have the tools to help our community members connect with their local plant friends and give new respect to our hard-working pollinators! The project is currently looking for engaged c ...

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