On September 18, 2020, the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs (Assembly) declared a State of Emergency due to political unrest, which, on September 22nd, was further extended. The declaration of the State of Emergency was made in response to the violence occurring towards Mi’kmaw harvesters exercising their inherent Treaty Right to fish for a moderate livelihood in the Digby area.

Today, the Assembly has reduced the urgency of the matter to a State of Readiness.

In a State of Readiness, the situation in Digby will continue to be monitored by the Assembly and their staff, and should the situation escalate and/or community members require further support, the Assembly will be well positioned to re-establish their Incident Command Centre.

With this State of Readiness, the Incident Command Centre will see a soft close effective September 18.

The Assembly is taking the situation with the protests, racial profiling, threats and discrimination very seriously and has been in constant contact with the RCMP on the issue.

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