by Daniel N. Paul, Mi’kmaw Elder & Historian, CM, ONS

The Genocide of Peoples of colour of the Americas

The European Tribes that eventually developed into Nations were warlike to a tee. From time immemorial they fought one another with unapologetic brutality to be the Continent’s top dominating power. An offshoot of this mindset was that in their struggles to overcome one another they developed more and more efficient means to kill one another.

Thus, by 1492, when Christopher Columbus got lost in his quest to land in the Indies and landed instead in the Americas, the Europeans were the best armed people in the world and, one might conclude from reviewing European history of the day, the most cruelest. At the time they were involved in exacting punishment on victims, guilty or innocent, by burning at the stake, disemboweling, keelhauling, hanging, beheading, whipping, tar and feathering, roasting, pressing, etc.

Indigenous Africans, Australians, and Asians were soon to feel the might of European military superiority and suffer horrendously by it being used to seize their lands and wealth and end their freedoms. Foreign religions and strange cultural ways were shoved down the throats of the citizens of these lands by the Europeans colonizers in order to force them to become European dictated “civilized.” The wealth stolen by Europeans from these lands and the Americas would eventually finance the industrial revolution and make people of European ancestry the wealthiest in the world.

The Black ...

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