by Dorene Bernard, MMNN Contributor

In 2018/19, we began our mission to engage Indian Residential School (IRS) survivors and their descendants in a project of commemoration and reconciliation. Our intent is to provide respectful and appropriate commemoration of the survivors of the IRS in Shubenacadie and to share the legacy of the Residential School experience for survivors, their families, and their communities.

We believe that such commemoration will provide a focal point for remembrance and understanding and strengthen reconciliation for our Indigenous communities and for Canada as a whole.

The project, which is supported by the Tripartite Forum and its Culture and Heritage Working Committee and is guided by the input from the Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre (MDCC) Elders’ Advisory Council, is set-up in three phases. We are currently working toward the completion of phase one – Engagement. Our goal is to gather input from IRS survivors and their descendants on the planning and implementation of commemoration activities so that our initiatives are driven and led by the Mi’kmaq.

As Project Coordinator, my role is to inform and lead survivors and their descendants in engagement sessions and gather input to help finalize the IRS Commemoration Project and move plans forward for implementation. Currently, we are planning seven (7) Atlantic regional virtual engagement sessions in the following communities: Annapolis Valley, Indian Brook, Weko’komaq, Eskasoni, NS; Listuguj, QC ...

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