by Shannon Monk KMKNO

After more than 20 meetings with Mi’kmaw communities throughout Nova Scotia over the last six months, community members are getting a better understanding of the exciting possibilities that exist through cultural tourism. As we noted in previous articles, discussions about Mi’kmaw cultural tourism began in the mid-2000’s. Part of our discussions have focused on the development of an authentic logo and brand that can be used by cultural tourism operators, artists, crafters, and others interested in selling Mi’kmaw cultural goods and services.

During the first set of sessions, we introduced the original logo developed in 2008. We had a lively discussion about the logo and whether it represents the Mi’kmaq in an authentic way. Everyone participating in the community information sessions has agreed that cultural tourism is a very important way for Mi’kmaq to benefit economically, socially, and culturally, and that a Mi’kmaw logo and branding strategy is vital. However, there have been differing opinions about what this logo could or should look like and a lot of discussion about who will get to use it and what the certification process could look like. When we talk about a certification process, we mean, identifying a way to determine who gets to use the logo and how the logo can be used.

Here is the original Spirit of the Mi’kmaq logo developed in 2008. In the course of our research, we have not been able to find any write ups or informa ...

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