by Shirley Christmas MMNN Contributor

Hello and welcome to the one and only Shirley’s Corner. I think it is safe to say that we did not have a to bad of a winter although it came a little behind schedule. However, it doesn’t matter because good old Spring made its arrival just a wee bit to early this year. As you all know Old Man Winter was not impressed so he decided to put up a fight with the help of the chilly March Winds driving everyone back inside. For awhile there, I thought for sure, Spring, abandoned us but as she puts it, she was just laying low till Winter and the March Wind blew themselves out to exhaustion.

Now that the ice and snow are behind us, and the shovels and plows are put away. We can now focus on the fun stuff such as, getting the yard back into its summer glory of flowers blooming. Trees bringing forth new buds which will cover its bareness with fresh green leaves. Last year’s debris, sits waiting for the rakes to herd it into a pile of composting material, to help the newer sprouts of grass shooting through its wintery bed of dried leaves.

Once again, the earth comes to life with an abundance of beauty from the mountain tops to where the earth meets the rushing waves of the ocean. The rebirth of nature embraces its surroundings from deep valleys, babbling brooks and streams. The swamps are filled with the songs of the Crickets and the croaking of frogs while the tall reeds sway gently with the sound of the soft breezes flowing through the land. Such peace, ...

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